halo-guru untuk Guru

by Halo Guru



We are proud to introduce halo-guru™. We are a tutor who has been active for more than 15 years and is now introducing an online consultation method in Indonesia in one application. This application provides maximum learning opportunities to all students: anytime and anywhere. With halo-guru™, learning will be easier and more fun because we are supported by a Professional and Experienced Teacher Team.halo-guru™ connects students across Indonesia with hundreds of experienced and academically accomplished teachers. Teaching that emphasizes mastery of basic concepts and logic solving will provide new experiences for effective learning.halo-guru™ comes with easy-to-access features. Just by clicking on the chat feature or live streaming, students are already connected to the teacher of choice. Students do not need to leave the house because the halo-guru™ seems to be present in front of you. Teaching and learning activities will feel like a private teacher with personal service. Basically, its about learning. hello-guru™ is the solution.halo-guru™ is the answer to modern learning for all levels of education, from elementary school to university level. From just school homework, preparation for AKM, UTBK, to preparation for entering your favorite college, hello-guru™ is the answer. Students are guided in mastering a strong learning foundation: step by step.With the support of the Mutiara Sains SSC Teacher Team, halo-guru™ has also succeeded in bringing thousands of students to their favorite state universities: UI, ITB, UGM, Unpad, etc.What are you waiting for. Join one halo-guru™ app to achieve brilliant academic achievements. Experience a new learning experience with halo-guru™: easy, fun, and accomplished.